Ever since I can remember, people (mostly my dad) have been telling me that I am suited for law school because I am "good at reading and writing." After two weeks of orientation and just one day of actual class, I can attest, once and for all, that this is 100% false.
On the contrary, I have found that I am most definitely not suited for law school. More than any skill concerning reading or writing, it seems that
alertness is the real key to success. And as I am self-professedly
'Snorlax-like'1 in nature, I have no idea what to expect in the coming semester.
Me, in my natural state. |
1 From Bulbapedia, the community driven Pokemon Encyclopedia: Snorlax spend the majority of their time sleeping, surviving on their stored fat. It wakes up only to eat and seldom exercises.
I'm kind of in awe that there is a "Bulbapedia". I mean, I know I shouldn't be, but I am, nonetheless. For the record, I freaking love Snorlax. So, I would imagine that even by law school lines of logic, I freaking love you too.