This entry, the first one, is of course exposition. But where is the excitement? I will think impatiently after a few months. It can’t possibly be stuck in rising action forever, I won’t allow it. And so after a few half hearted attempts at a Kiss of Life— forced entries that scream, “HEY look here at how grippingly climactic I am!”—the blog is discarded and added to my growing graveyard of failed online journals.
Then a new blog is born, and I always think that THIS is the one. This one will have climax! climax! climax! and everyone will love reading about my exciting not-at-all-dull life.
(Pictured below: Typically the most exciting moment of my day.)

In the end, of course, I am the only one reading and re-reading my entries, congratulating myself on my own cleverness. To myself, I say: go out and get a life, please. To others: Thank you for enabling my self-indulgence—this time I’m going to try and make it to the peak.
Ok this is attempt #2: What I said earlier was that I love that the beet is the most intense of vegetables and I hope your blog will be similarly so with lots of rising action and climax after climax (yes, I know how suggestive it sounds) because falling action and resolution nearly always suggest an end... and I'd never want this to end!!! love love!